Rolling Fatties January 1% For the Planet Partner

We are really happy to start the new year with a month long partnership with the Center for an Ecology-Based Economy in Norway, Maine. CEBE works to engage communities in developing practical solutions in the areas of food, shelter, energy, and transport and their goal is local community sustainability, health, and resilience in response to climate instability and resource depletion.

Our interests in food, shelter, energy, and transport run deep. We struggle daily with sourcing local food, but we are committed to serving it. Having lived completely off the grid for years, we are renovating the restaurant to be as energy efficient as possible. Being a part of the downtown network has inspired us to form a town committee of volunteers, the Kingfield Trail Builders, to connect, develop, and enhance non-motorized travel for residents and visitors. Though we’ve made gains in all areas, we have so much more work to do.

We are hoping that our month long partnership with CEBE will support their work and also help us bring the strategies they have employed back to Kingfield to enhance our community and our ecology-based economy. If you are interested in learning more, come on in to chat, contact us, or join us by donating your time and/or money to this Maine non-profit.

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