How to Cook Oat Groats From Maine Grains…

Oat Groats Maine Grains

Cooking Oat Groats

Cooking oat groats from Maine Grains is a a fairly simple process resulting in a versatile grain that can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, as a locally sourced and potentially healthier rice replacement. It works with almost any spice combination and is gluten free. Enjoy!

Directions: Choose an amount of groats and rinse once. Cover groats with enough water to reach your first finger knuckle. Bring to a boil with the lid on and continue to boil until water is almost gone. Turn off the heat and fluff up the groats. Cover and let sit for at least 30 minutes. Season, eat, yum.

What are oat groats?

Oats in their most fundamental form – unprocessed, wholesome, and nutritious. Oat groats are whole oat kernels with the inedible hulls removed. They are a whole grain that contains the germ, endosperm, and bran. Oat groats are also known as oat berries.

Why do we use groats in our Fatties?

Groats are a healthier choice than rice, they’re grown and “unprocessed” in Maine, we love the texture and the flavor!

About Maine Grains

Maine Grains serves bakers, brewers, chefs and families freshly-milled, organic and heritage grains sourced from the Northeast. By re-localizing grain production and milling we support the health and livelihood of the farmers and communities we serve. Our traditional stone milling process ensures nutrient-packed products that are full of flavor and perfect for natural fermentation baking and cooking. Maine Grains is creating jobs, improving land use, and providing healthy food for all while serving as a successful model for thriving local economies.


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